This week we will review the policies and laws surrounding immigration and the impact on family. This is not about your individual beliefs but instead an analysis of policy and law.
The purpose of a case study is to glean lessons that shed light on your central problem and locate strategies or best practices towards recommendations that resolve key problems. Although case studies can be success stories or failures, they always address key areas that you will usually research further through other primary and secondary data.
This week’s forum will allow students to discuss this topic in a scholarly, practical, applied context. The goal is intended to improve your ability to think about a complex scenario and develop concise analyses of the situation. We will not arrive at right answers. Rather, there are many possible answers, each with its advantages and disadvantages, and about which reasonable people may disagree.
- Watch “Immigration Battle,” a documentary on the politics of immigration reform from PBS Frontline. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/immigration-battle/
- What, broadly, are the lessons learned from this case and what types of information apply to the motivating problem or questions? What central issue does the case raise? (2) Does the case study offer a theory or overarching lesson? Does the case serve strategic as well as substantive goals?
- Is the case about something fundamentally controversial or one that shows a path through difficult tradeoffs? Does the case offer solutions to tough problems? Alternatively, does it show a failure to address such problems?
- What are the decision points in the case? Excavate the points of controversy and highlight the decisions that ensued.
- What problems in each option must the central players resolve?
- Offer a conclusion to this case that highlights lessons learned, applying those lessons specifically to the themes at stake in your own problem or projected solutions.
- Is there supporting data that points to best practices that you can build into your recommendations? What are some immediate action steps for addressing this issue in the context of your goals.
Prepare an analysis of this reform/policy issue. Provide the questions posed here and answers generated through your review of the resources available in the course as well as additional outside research. Ensure that you are citing the information retrieved from your cited sources of information.