Each person will select a person that has contributed to the field of management theory or select a management concept and complete the following requirements.

For your selected person or concept:

  1. Who is your person or concept?
  2. Summarize the main points of the contribution or what they are known for?
  3. Your reaction- do you agree or disagree with their work and ideas?
  4. Application: how would you use this as a manager?
  5. Use at least three to four scholarly references other than the textbook.

Each student will conduct a 3–4 minute narrated PowerPoint presentation that includes speaker notes.  The PowerPoint presentation should consist of 4–5 slides not including the title slide and reference slide.

The PowerPoint presentation will include the following:

  1. Title and reference slide
  2. Who is your person or concept?
  3. Summarize the main points of the contribution or what they are known for
  4. Your reaction: Do you agree or disagree?
  5. Application: How would you use this as a manager?
  6. References (at least 3 other than the textbook)

Select a person from the following list:

  • Abraham Maslow
  • Charlene Li
  • Chester Barnard
  • Chris Argyris
  • Daniel Goleman
  • Daniel Pink
  • David McClelland
  • Douglas McGregor
  • Edgar Schein
  • Edward E. Lawler
  • Elton Mayo
  • Fred Fiedler
  • Frederick Herzberg
  • Frederick W. Taylor
  • Hans Selye
  • Henri Fayol
  • John Adair
  • John Kotter
  • Kurt Lewin
  • Margaret Wheatley
  • Mary Parker Follett
  • Max Weber
  • Michael Cusumano
  • Michael E. Porter
  • Peter Drucker
  • Peter Senge
  • Rensis Likert
  • Rosabeth Kanter
  • Tom Peters
  • William Edward Deming


Each person will select a person that has contributed to the field of management theory or select a management concept and complete the following requirements. For your selected person or concept: Who
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