Deliverable Length: 5–7 pages (not including the cover page and the reference page)
This week’s assignment should be submitted in APA format, which is at least 5 full pages of content, not counting the title page and the references page.
Previous chapters explored and examined different theories of crime. This unit shifts the focus to crime statistics and typologies for those crimes. It also explores one specific area of sexual assault on campus that is relevant to all universities. Respond to the following:
- Go online and check the most recent Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) and National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) crime statistics and compare them to those presented in Chapter 10. Have crime patterns stayed the same, or have they changed? Examine the crime statistics for the crime you selected in Unit 2 specifically.
- How has the drop in national crime impacted policies and programs?
- Review the crime typologies presented in Chapter 10. For each type of crime, discuss the attributes that indicate high risk.
- What policies and programs are in place at your workplace or school to prevent and treat sexual assault?
- Review and discuss these policies and programs and how you can contribute to the prevention of this crime.
- Develop a short policy that universities can implement to prevent sexual assault on campus.
Please submit your assignment.
Deliverable Length: 5–7 pages (not including the cover page and the reference page) Description This week’s assignment should be submitted in APA format, which is at least 5 full pages of content, not