write two brief five to six sentence paragraph regarding what you found most interesting about each of them. It is not necessary to summarize every aspect of them. Rather, simply discuss a few points you found most interesting and make sure to clearly define any terms that were new to you.
1. Link for article 1. https://www.thetaxadviser.com/issues/2023/aug/what-tax-litigators-wish-other-tax-professionals-knew.html%20%20%20(Andreozzi%20et%20al%202023,%20August,%20Tax%20Adviser%20What%20tax%20litigators%20wish%20other%20tax%20professionals%20knew)
2. Link for article 2 . https://www.thetaxadviser.com/issues/2023/jul/managing-tax-audits-using-sampling-techniques.html (Ashtiani, 2023, July, Tax Adviser Managing tax audits using sampling techniques)