The tutor who answers this must have the Tableau software Downloaded. And make sure you have access to the “My Tableau Repository”.

Open new color palettes into Tableau with whichever graph and take a screenshot of the entire screen that includes going to marks, selecting edit color, and scrolling all the way down to the palettes until it says “IBM Diverging” and “Okabe-Ito”. ” Download the Preferences.tps file – this will probably go to your downloads folder. • Find the ‘My Tableau Repository’ directory on your computer – this will probably be in your Documents folder. • When you open this folder, you will already see a file called Preferences.tps – rename this one to be Preferences.tps.bak (or any other name). • Now, copy the new Preferences.tps file that you downloaded into this folder. • Restart Tableau. And open any graph and go to change the color palette – scroll down and you should see the new palettes.” or follow this, “Download the Preferences.tps File:Ensure you’ve downloaded the correct Preferences.tps file containing the required color palettes.Locate the ‘My Tableau Repository’ Directory:This folder is typically found in your Documents directory. Navigate there.Backup and Replace the Preferences File:Locate the existing Preferences.tps file in the ‘My Tableau Repository’ directory.Rename this file to Preferences.tps.bak (or any other name) to make a backup.Copy the newly downloaded Preferences.tps file into this directory.Restart Tableau:Close Tableau completely and then reopen it.Apply the New Color Palettes:Open any graph in Tableau and follow these steps:Go to ‘Marks’.Select ‘Edit Colors’.Scroll down through the available palettes until you find “IBM Diverging” and “Okabe-Ito”.Take a Screenshot:Once you’ve successfully located these palettes, take a screenshot of the entire Tableau screen, including the process of navigating to Marks, selecting Edit Colors, and scrolling down to the desired palettes.” The example pic is what you as the tutor must send in return except this time with the correct color palettes (meaning once you scroll all the way down the last 2 color palettes you should see are “IBM Diverging” and “Okabe-Ito”, this picture has blue marks on it indicating what most be shown in the picture along with displaying new color palettes), and example pic 2 is what the color palettes should look like (but screenshot of the whole screen). So if you could provide a screenshot that looks like example pic but with the correct color palettes displayed.  Copy and paste this into a browser to access the coded version with the color palettes that need to be installed: 

im hoping it will be possible to access the Preferences.tps file through here

Respond with the screenshot/photo/file showing the completed work. 


The tutor who answers this must have the Tableau software Downloaded. And make sure you have access to the “My Tableau Repository”. Open new color palettes into Tableau with whichever graph and take a
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