
For the final presenta�on you must include the experiment and a MINI business plan.

  1. Value proposi�on
  2. Business Model CANVAS

The Experiment:

  1. Describe the product/service (MVP) and show us the presenta�on tools, material, prototypes, etc. used.
  2. Iden�fy and describe the “buyer persona” and “use cases” relevant for your project.
  3. Prepare at least 8 -10 ques�ons to get feedback for your customers (each team member must interview two persons)
  4. Prepare prototype of your product/service
  5. Describe target customer and how did you approach them?
  6. Describe what customers liked/disliked about the value proposi�on of your
  7. Highlight key insights.

MINI Business Plan

10. Strategic Plan
11. Marke�ng Plan
12. Opera�ons Plan
13. Organiza�onal and Legal Plan 14. Financial Plan (one year)
15. Conclusions



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