Using the article attached below please answer these discussion questions.
- Introduction – state chosen HP 2030 Leading Health Indicator objective and why the chosen topic is important and relevant to the HP 2030 Leading Health Indicator objective.
NOTE: Chosen health indicator is Infant Deaths: Increase the proportion of infants who are breastfed at 1 year — MICH‑16
- Purpose of the research study – how and/or why the study was initiated
- Integrate the objective of the HP 2030 indicator
- Description of the study – include a brief description of the chosen behavioral model applied in the study; describe how the model was utilized in the research:
NOTE: Chosen Health Promotion Model is Health Promotion Model, and it was used in this study.
- Methods or interventions of the study – provide a brief overview; don’t try to capture all the detail
- Results or conclusions – include relevance to HP 2030 outcomes for the Leading Health Indicator selected (Increase the proportion of infants who are breastfed at 1 year — MICH‑16)
- Discussion – include the model’s usefulness to the study and practice
- Application of research findings to nursing/EMS practice. How could the educator apply the research findings?
- Application of behavioral model to nursing/EMS practice. How could the educator use this behavioral model?
- Conclusion/short summary of the article
discussion question