please do not use ChatGPT or any AI and use the basic English like sample Peer Review Writing Process

Purpose of the Assignment: To learn how to provide feedback on writing. To learn how to use feedback on your writing for revision. To learn that feedback and revision are necessary for good writing. To continue to practice revision.

Intended Audience: Your Classmates.

Assignment Description:

1) Post a draft of your paper as a Word document by the end of the day on Monday.

2) Then use the following questions below to review each other’s work by the end of the day on Tuesday. Remember that your classmates need time to review your feedback and to digest and apply it to their final draft.

3) Copy and paste these question into the response box or answer them on a Word document and attach them if that works better for you.

4) Make sure to give each other formative feedback and questions that adheres to the Writing Process Assignment topic and expectations. Make sure the feedback helps students move forward. Avoid evaluating and critiquing. Offer suggestions and recommendations. Offer personalized, specific feedback that shows that you carefully read your classmates’ drafts by referring to specific parts of the paper.  

Peer Review Questions

  1. The paper should have a larger section where the student mentions everything they learned from studying his or her writing process. Then they should have a shorter section (1-2 pages) that examines one specific point about this study that moves beyond the obvious. Does the paper have those sections? If not make suggestions for how they can separate or organize these sections with the draft they have.
  2. Please make suggestions for improving and shaping the paper’s key and focal statements. Make sure the introduction sets up the paper. Make suggestions for improving the intro.
  3. Does the paper mention anything about past influences that might have had a role in how the writer goes about the writing process today? How well does that evidence support the main point of the essay? Make suggestions for improving that clarity.
  4. Does the paper reference several examples from the  writing log? How well does that evidence support the main points of the essay? Make suggestions for improving that clarity.
  5. Does the author provide a copy of their writing log so we can read them over and use them to make suggestions to this larger paper?
  6. Where can the author expand his or her ideas and how can they do that? How can the other expand how their using their writing journal and log?
  7. What other suggestions can you make for improving the draft?
  8. What did you find most valuable about the assignment?
  9. What would you address first?


please do not use ChatGPT or any AI and use the basic English like sample Peer Review Writing Process Purpose of the Assignment: To learn how to provide feedback on writing. To learn how to use feedba
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