After reading the designated chapters from the course textbook, Hollywood Heroes:How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God (Turek & Turek, 2022), you will write to respondto 3-4 of the main ideas from the chapters. Each chapter should be addressed inthe paper, though you may choose to lean more heavily on one chapter rather thanthe other. Papers should be written in the first person point of view, following MLAformatting guidelines, and no additional sources may be used aside from thetextbook and the films referenced in the designated chapters. Reading responsepapers should be at least 2 pages in length, but not longer than 3 pages. Reading and respones chapter (5-6) and chapter (7-8) but it has to be off of the book Hollywood Heroes.
After reading the designated chapters from the course textbook, Hollywood Heroes: How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God (Turek & Turek, 2022), you will write to respond to 3-4 of the main ideas from