just need written
Choose ONE of the four emergencies below. Then, make an informative video on your chosen emergency. Include as much information as possible.
- Cold and heat emergency
- Plant poison emergency
- Household poisoning emergency
- Animal or insect bite emergency
HPR 2213 General Assignment Rubric
HPR 2213 General Assignment Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion
10 ptsFull Marks
This assignment was done according to the instructions and was turned in on time.
8 pts-2 points
This assignment was done according to the instructions but has several grammatical errors. It was turned in on time.
5 pts-5 points
This assignment was done according to the instructions but had many grammatical errors. It was turned in on time.
0 ptsNo Marks
This assignment was not done according to the instructions, was late, or was not done at all.