Based on all the articles we’ve read and the lecture from class, select one of the two items to make arguments for and against:

1. Corporate Personhood

2. Stakeholder vs Shareholder Capitalism.

Try to remain objective as you outline the fundamental tenements. Include at least 3 in-text citations in APA format (can be paraphrase or quotes). In the end, include a conclusion paragraph where you indicate what makes the most sense to you as a future business leader, and why.

Papers must be between 1 ½ and 2 pages long double-spaced, submitted in Microsoft Word, 12 point Times New Roman with 1” margins. Needs at least 3 in text citations. 

Use at least two of these articles and a scholarly article: Discussion – What are corporations and why are they so powerful?READ:“How corporations try to be more human than humans”“What rights should corporations have?”“Private gain must no longer be allowed to elbow out the public good”WEEK 2 – Tuesday January 23rd& 25th – CORPORATIONS, SOCIETY & STAKEHOLDERSDiscussion – Do corporations have a responsibility to society?READ :”Rethinking the social responsibility of business”“America’s CEOs seek a new purpose for the corporation”“The ‘stakeholders’ vs. the people” (says unsafe link, it’s ok)“Why I no longer believe in the stakeholder perspective”WATCH (first 60 minutes)“The Corporation” 3 – Tuesday & Thursday January 30th & February 1st – PRIORITIZING STAKEHOLDERSDiscussion – How can business prioritize among its stakeholders?READ:“Decency means more than ‘always low prices’: A comparison of Costco to Wal-Mart’s Sam’s Club” (attached on Canvas)“Hubert Joly turned around Best Buy. Now’s he trying to fix capitalism” (attached on Canvas)“How Gap Inc. engaged with its stakeholders” (attached on Canvas)TED Talk : YOU as a StakeholderWEEK 4 – Tuesday & Thursday February 6th & 8th – MAKING ETHICAL DECISIONS: CAPITALISM & VALUESDiscussion – How does our economic system shape the values that inform our behaviors and decisions in the workplace?READ:”Some costs of American corporate capitalism” (attached on Canvas)“In order to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation”“The American economy is rigged, and what we can do about it”“Accountable Capitalism ActWATCH (in class):“A seat at the table: Rebecca Henderson, author of ‘Reimagining Capitalism


Based on all the articles we’ve read and the lecture from class, select one of the two items to make arguments for and against: 1. Corporate Personhood 2. Stakeholder vs Shareholder Capitalism. Try
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