The article news article that I chose for this week’s discussion deals with a Texas attorney who pleaded guilty to slipping an abortion medication into his pregnant wife’s drinks. Mason Herring, a Houston attorney, was initially charged with felony assault to induce abortion but was given a plea deal for charges of injury to a child and assault of a pregnant person (Burke, 2024). According to NBC News (2024), Herring is only facing 180 days of jail time and 10 years of probation as well as a no-contact order with his ex-wife and daughter. Catherine Herring has pleaded with the court stating that she “did not believe that 180 days is justice for attempting to kill your child seven separate times” (The Associated Press, 2024).
This case was impacted by several elements such as gender and socio-economic status. The state of Texas is an anti-abortion state. The Texas abortion law makes it a second-degree felony for anyone who “knowingly performs, induces, or attempts an abortion” (Health and Safety Code Section 171.065). Yet, Herring only received 180 days in jail. Based on Herring’s social status as an attorney, he was well-known in his community and the court and legal system. Based on a research study done by Pica et al. (2020) it was found that the status of a defendant and the victim can often influence juror decision-making and can interact with other factors that are associated with the crime (e.g., why the victim did not leave after the first drugging). The authors suggest that to prevent these biases socioeconomic status be excluded from the trial unless it is relevant to the case.
As forensic psychologists, we must stay unbiased in our evaluations. We cannot let our opinions and views take away from the importance of bringing justice to victims of crime or those in need. This also includes ensuring that these victims receive or are aware that there are programs and services available to them to support and help them through traumatic events. If victims do not receive the justice that they deserve based on diversity and bias, they should at least know they have the support that they need as a human.
Burke, Minyvonne. (2024, February 9). Texas attorney who poisoned pregnant wife with abortion medication sentenced to 180 days in jail. NBC News. Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-attorney-poisoned-pregnant-wife-abortion-medication-sentenced-18-rcna138065Links to an external site.
Pica, E., Sheahan, C., & Pozzulo, J. (2020). ‘But he’s a star football player!’: How social status influences mock jurors’ perceptions in a sexual assault case. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(19–20), 3963–3985. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260517713715
The Associated Press. (2024, February 8). Texas man sentenced to 180 days in jail for drugging wife’s drinks to induce an abortion. The Associated Press. Retrieved from: https://apnews.com/article/abortion-texas-guilty-plea-sentence-c5e6a1b71ddf8cfdcf0258fb5b7bff23Links to an external site.
TX Health and Safety Code Section 171.065. statutues.capitol.texas.govLinks to an external site.