SIMULATION – Strategic Innovation Simulation: Back Bay Battery (v3)
Clayton M. Christensen; Willy Shih
Class Strategic Management Simulation Schedule: Strategic Innovation Simulation: Back Bay Battery (v3) PRACTICE ROUNDS
Dear International Strategic Management Executives:
As many of you know, this class is our MBA Capstone Course which involves an Strategic Management simulation Learning Activity. This Learning Activity counts 20% of your Final Learning Performance Record (10% INDIVIDUAL Rounds and 10% Learning Teams Rounds).
According to our class Syllabus Learning Materials, you can register for this Strategic Management simulation at:
SIMULATION – Strategic Innovation Simulation: Back Bay Battery (v3)
Clayton M. Christensen; Willy Shih
PLEASE get familiarized with the User Material, the Foreground Reading, and the How To Play Guide.
This Class Simulation Schedule will run as follows:
Week 7 From: Sunday, April 21, 2024 To: Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 10:00 PM
It COUNTS 10% for your Final Learning Performance Record
The student that scores the highest accumulated profits will be ALMOST assured an A in this class IF and ONLY IF the student Accumulated Final Academic Learning Performance Record (grades) in Canvas reaches 85 or above Total Points for the Course at the end of ALL Learning Academic Assignments graded until Week 6. This student then can STOP ALL Learning Week 7 Assignments. I will communicate directly with this student.
Note 1: Of all these rounds, your HIGHEST accumulated profit will be chosen towards your Final Score in these INDIVIDUAL ROUNDS.
Note 2: The student with the HIGHEST score in the class will earn 100 points for this Learning Activity, the rest of the students will earn points according to the rule of 3.
Student Points = (Student Score * 100 points) /Highest Score in the class.
Note 3: Negative Results and/or Results of FIRED attempts WILL EARN a 0 (Zero points) towards your Final Score in these INDIVIDUAL ROUNDS.
Note 4: If Students – Learning Teams copy each other simulation decisions and/or the simulation detects price fixing and/or business industry collusion by Students and/or Learning Teams in this class the Students-Learning Teams involved in these activities will earn an F in this class.