
 Review the two classic psychology studies (Milgram’s Obedience to Authority and Zimbardo’s Stamford Prison Experiment) under Readings and Resources.  Using evidence from Chapter 3 of your textbook, as well as the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct, discuss two (2) ways in which research ethics were violated in one (1) of these studies.  Then, discuss two (2) ways you would make the study more ethically sound if you were to rerun the study today.  With your ethical considerations in place, do you think you would learn as much about obedience as Milgram did in his original research or as much as Zimbardo did about the power of social roles?  Why or why not?  Finally, do you think it was ethical that Milgram or Zimbardo only studied white males?  How might their study results have differed if their sample was more culturally diverse? 



Unit 1 DB: Ethics in Psychological Research
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