ACG2011 PRIN ACCT II ONLINE defines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as operating a company in a way that positively impacts society and the environment. 

The video Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility further explains CSR.  

  iocsr2015csr. (2014, Dec 27) Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibilty. [Video]. Youtube.

Select an industry that you are interested in, that is in your pathway, and a US company. Do an internet search with the term "sustainability report" and your company name.   Once you find a company report that you're interested in, open, and read the introduction to the report.  Scan through the report, as needed, in order to answer the questions below.


Initial post:

  • Write a 3 paragraph discussion post with the following information:
  • What is the name of your company? What industry is it in? What is your pathway?
  • Why did you select his company?
  • Describe one initiative that this company is working on in the area of CSR.
  • What do you think the impact of this company's policy will be on their short-term and long-term profits?
  • Discuss what your knowledge of CSR was before this assignment and how this assignment has impacted your view of CSR.  Include any personal experience you have had with CSR as an employee or other stakeholder.
  • Cite the source of your information.  You may use other sites in addition to the one provided above.


  • Reply to at least 2 of your fellow classmates, who selected a different company than yours.
  • Each reply must be at least 5 sentences long, meaningful, substantive, and detailed.
  • Comment on what their company is doing in the area of CSR and the impact on one group of stakeholders (employees, owners, management, customers, supplies, the community).

Proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, etc. are required.  

Do not copy and paste any information.  Your posts should be in your own words.

Follow the minimum requirements for discussion board posts located in the general discussion area.  Recall, those are the minimum requirements, more posts are always encouraged.

The initial post is due 4 days before the due date.

Examples of businesses in pathways could be:

  • AHCD: Dance, Theater, Film production, Social media, Graphics design or architecture business
  • Business:  Accounting office, caterer, an advertising firm, dry cleaner, restaurant, any business is acceptable
  • Education:  K-12 tutoring, Child care, Charter schools
  • Health Sciences:  Dr. or Dentist office, PT office, Hospital, Insurance co,
  • IMCT:  Engineering Co., Aviation maintenance, Aviation distribution, Supply Chain Management, Auto manufacturing
  • Public Safety:  Law office, PI, Equipment providers for the industry
  • STEM:  Engineering Co., Vet. Office, Computer Services co.
  • SGSHS:  Psychology office, Non-profit agencies, Social Media, Hospitals, Drug manufactures

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The video Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility further explains CSR.  

  iocsr2015csr. (2014, Dec 27) Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibilty. [Video]. Youtube.

Select an industry that you are interested in, that is in your pathway, and a US company. Do an internet search with the term “sustainability report” and your company name.   Once you find a company report that you’re interested in, open, and read the introduction to the report.  Scan through the report, as needed, in order to answer the questions below.


Initial post:

  • Write a 3 paragraph discussion post with the following information:
  • What is the name of your company? What industry is it in? What is your pathway?
  • Why did you select his company?
  • Describe one initiative that this company is working on in the area of CSR.
  • What do you think the impact of this company’s policy will be on their short-term and long-term profits?
  • Discuss what your knowledge of CSR was before this assignment and how this assignment has impacted your view of CSR.  Include any personal experience you have had with CSR as an employee or other stakeholder.
  • Cite the source of your information.  You may use other sites in addition to the one provided above.


  • Reply to at least 2 of your fellow classmates, who selected a different company than yours.
  • Each reply must be at least 5 sentences long, meaningful, substantive, and detailed.
  • Comment on what their company is doing in the area of CSR and the impact on one group of stakeholders (employees, owners, management, customers, supplies, the community).

Proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, etc. are required.  

Do not copy and paste any information.  Your posts should be in your own words.

Follow the minimum requirements for discussion board posts located in the general discussion area.  Recall, those are the minimum requirements, more posts are always encouraged.

The initial post is due 4 days before the due date.

Examples of businesses in pathways could be:

  • AHCD: Dance, Theater, Film production, Social media, Graphics design or architecture business
  • Business:  Accounting office, caterer, an advertising firm, dry cleaner, restaurant, any business is acceptable
  • Education:  K-12 tutoring, Child care, Charter schools
  • Health Sciences:  Dr. or Dentist office, PT office, Hospital, Insurance co,
  • IMCT:  Engineering Co., Aviation maintenance, Aviation distribution, Supply Chain Management, Auto manufacturing
  • Public Safety:  Law office, PI, Equipment providers for the industry
  • STEM:  Engineering Co., Vet. Office, Computer Services co.
  • SGSHS:  Psychology office, Non-profit agencies, Social Media, Hospitals, Drug manufactures


ACG2011 PRIN ACCT II ONLINE defines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as operating a company in a way that positively impacts society and the environment. The video Business
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