500 words
Find and review the following article:
- PAPASTEPHANOU, M. (2010). Aristotle, the Action Researcher. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 44(4), 589595.
- Postholm, M. B., & Skrvset, S. (2013). The researcher reflecting on her own role during action research. Educational Action Research, 21(4), 506518.
- Shah, H., Eardley, A., & Wood-Harper, T. (2007). ALTAR: Achieving learning through action research. European Journal of Information Systems, 16(6), 761-770. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.ejis.3000720 ABI Inform
You will need to access additional resources to address the following questions about single- and double-loop learning in 500-600 words respond to the following:
- Define self as an instrument for change.
- What behaviors will you need to employ to bring this principle to life during your organization’s project? Why?
- Why is self as an instrument for change such an important part of the work?
- How do single- and double-loop learning connect to action research? Why is this important, or is it not important?
Action Research