Advanced Database Management
Multiple Table SQL
- Turn In:
- SQL commands for the following query questions. Save your SQL file and submit it through Canvas.
Tasks (5 points per question):
- Query questions (5 points per question)
- Use the EXISTS operator to find the rep number and rep name for the rep that represented customer 824.
- List the order number and order date for each order that either was placed by Toys Galore or that contains an order line for a Rocking Horse.
- What did The Everything Shopbuy? We need the following information: item number, item description, quoted price and ordered quantity.
- What is the total revenue for each customer? Revenue is calculated as quoted price times number ordered. Sort your results in descending order for revenue.
- List the order number and order date for each order that was placed by Almondton General Store but that does not contain an order line for a Fire Engine.
- Use a query to find out which rep currently doesn’t have any customers.
- Use a subquery to find out who ordered a brain teaser. We need information such as customer number, customer name, and item description.
Advanced Database Management Systems