· Prepare a 2-3 page case study that explains the current and various methods of airport emergency plans for infectious diseases.
· Research additional sources and comment on what you have found regarding the challenges presented.
· Use the following questions as a guide:
o What is Annex 14?
o What emergencies does it address in addition to those of public health?
o Is it necessary for there to be a separate public health emergency airport plan (separate from the aerodrome emergency plan)?
o Which global entity requires an aerodrome or airport to have an emergency plan?
o Which entity oversees its contents?
o Which entity issues an aerodrome certificate for those aerodromes that are in compliance with the ICAO standards and recommended practice?
o What is the advantage of having an aerodrome public health emergency plan?
o Who has the responsibility for activities at an airport in response to a public health event?
o In developing an aerodrome emergency plan, which entities need to be involved?
o With the arrival of an affected aircraft, where should it be parked?
o Is there a need to have a Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) for the arrival of an affected aircraft?
· Conclude with your assessment of potential solutions to the challenges.
· The assignment should be written according to the current APA format.
Utilize some of the resources listed below: