There are 2 assessments/surveys that need to be done, and I have done them already. They are attached (SDI Results & Crucial Accountability Survey results image file on paper). You need to use these results to do this assignment. You will also need to use the textbook (Crucial Accountability also attached).

To do this assignment, you will need my survey/assessment results, and the Crucial Accountability one points out I have weaknesses in Choose What and If and Stay Focused and Flexible. Please read these 2 chapters and observe, analyze, and reflect on those specific areas in the two chapters of the Crucial Accountability Survey (5 each under Choose What and If and Stay Focused and Flexible). Then, write about these:

What does this score mean to your ability to hold yourself or others accountable? 

Does it accurately reflect some areas of weakness in your accountability? 

Consider how your MVS shows up in the area of accountability. Include any insights you may have about SDI results and your Crucial Accountability Survey results. Discuss and explain your answer with examples. 

For each of these 2 accountability areas you wrote about, make 2 recommendations how you can improve your accountability to yourself and others as you navigate bad behavior and broken promises in your work/home/school/ life relationships. (This means 2 each, so I need 2 recommendations for Choose What and If and 2 recommendations for and Stay Focused and Flexible. 

I did another assignment previously, and the answers are related. You need to use my answers to do this assignment:

One of the areas that I have most yes is Choose What and If, and I think I would encounter problems in this area because I am afraid of ruining relationships. That is, I place relationships high in my values, so when I run into problems with others, I may not focus on the problem and may try to avoid destroying the relationship first. This is why I would struggle in Choose What and If.

Another area that I have most yes is Stay focused and Flexible, and I believe I would have problems in this area since I am often too focused on one problem. I know that I do not multitask very well, which means I lack flexibility. As a result, when I am very focused on a piece of work or a problem, I may not notice others and struggle in Stay Focused and Flexible.


Based on the problems I have in the above areas, it would be difficult for me to hold others accountable sometimes because when I fail to notice a new issue that is more important and do not focus on it myself, I cannot blame others for not taking care of it. Also, when I focus on not ruining the relationship, I may miss the central issue, so when problems arise, I cannot make others accountable since I am not focusing on the problems as well. The main challenge appears to be my inability to focus on the most imminent major problem when there are distractions, so I become less able to be accountable. 

You can use the above answers and make up examples. If the Jerry story I told you previously can be used, you can use it again too.

Afterwards, you need to do this:

Based on what you learned from the textbook, online lectures and activities, answer this question: Why do you think accountability is an important leadership skill personally and organizationally? Provide support, citations and an example or two to support your thinking from all course material to date and other outside sources as applicable.

You can use the textbook attached. You can also use the conflict textbook you used previously (attached).

This assignment needs to be 7-8 pages (around 2000 words). It also needs 6-8 in-text citations (3 must be from the Crucial Accountability textbook and another 3 can be from other course materials or outside ACADEMIC sources)


ANALYSIS & REFLECTION PAPER: Crucial Accountability (2000 words)
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