organization— use the following paragraphs:
- Introduction. What key points or themes were raised in the assigned readings? One paragraph in length.
- Details and analysis of assigned article one with page citations, two paragraphs.
- Details and analysis of article two with page citations, two paragraphs.
- Conclusion. Summarize key points and provide details from the assigned video clip, how does it connect to readings. Here is what I learned from reading these articles.
- Why is this information important?
- Was any of the information new to you, has it made you think differently, etc.? One paragraph in length.
Here are the links to the articles:
Brief History Indigenous Peoples West Africa
A Brief History of the Indigenous Peoples of West Africa | Cultural Survival
Indigenous Peoples in Africa
Microsoft Word – Fact Sheet_Africa_ FINAL.doc (un.org)
Why Are Indigenous People Dying At The Border?
Analytical Assignment #2