This week’s focus is on analyzing a case study: The NUMMI case study shows how two companies, Toyota and GM, build a joint venture and an example of trying to create organizational change – the resistance, the successes, the failures.
Go to https://www.thisamericanlife.org/561/nummi-2015
It is a podcast which is 64 minutes (but in 3 parts). You can listen to it, or if you prefer to read it, there is also a transcript provided.
It is a podcast which is 64 minutes (but in 3 parts). You can listen to it while at transit or work, or if you prefer to read it, there is also a transcript provided in the link.
You need to listen to the whole podcast (really interesting), but for the assignment I want you to specifically focus on the second part of the podcast in which the podcast-host interviews the mangers. Analyze this case with the help of the materials from this and past week (specifically Kotter’s change model).
Questions to answer in the discussion forum: Early in the second part (around min. 35) it is mentioned that GM wanted to transform Van Nuys and win over the Van Nuys workforce. However, as mentioned in the podcast, “the lack of receptiveness to change was so deep.” a) Why did GM not succeed in transforming the Van Nuys workforce? (apply at least 1 step from Kotter’s model to your analysis). B) What type of resistance to change did they encounter? (check past weeks readings for types of resistance and justify your choice) C) What could GM have done better to transform the Van Nuys plant?