The use of human bodily fluids such as urine has been in the past commonly used in teaching labs’ This
practice has been severely restricted for various reasons, one being the potential for exposure to
infectious agents. There are alternatives to using actual bodily fluids for learning although they are not
often the best practice for learning disease infection and prevention or practicing the scientific method
and use of controls. The following is adapted from the Student Urinalysis and Analysis Activity Kit from
Carolina Biological Supply, 20i”7.
This virtual lab exercise on Urinalysis is designed to help understand some of the basics of using
biological samples compared to controls in determining an interpretation of real data. Urinalysis is used
by doctors to assess various factors of urine, including color and pH, that could indicate disease. These
factors are normally kept in balance by the kidneys as they filter blood and produce urine but may
change under certain conditions like disease or medication use, or even with certain foods. Table L
shows the urine colors and possible things that affect color change and potential disease associated with
the specific urine color (Carolina Biological Supply, 2017).