1.- Please name the characteristics of the three types of muscles.
2.- Please explain the following characteristics in a muscle: Excitability, Contractility, Extensibility, Elasticity.
3.- What is epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium?
4.- a) Please explain what is sarcomere?
b) Thin filaments contain: __________________________________
5.- Please explain the sliding – filament theory.
6.- a) Why are important the intercalated discs or Gap junctions in the myocardium?
b) Please explain the blood flow through the heart and the lungs, naming all the structures.
7.- a) Why are important the Sinoatrial node (SA), and the Atrioventricular node (AV)?
b) What means systole and diastole in cardiac cycle?
8.- Please explain the following concepts: automaticity, cardiac output, stroke volume, and ejection fraction.
9.- a) Please name the branches of the aortic arch.
b) Please name the branches of the celiac trunk.
10.- a) Please name the parts of the aorta.
b) Please name the blood vessels that bring blood to the liver.