Length: see requirements below
Format: APA (Refer to the style guidelines presented in the appendix of the textbook)
Sources: 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources found through the UF Library (NOT Google or Google Scholar)

The social sciences include political science, sociology, history, and geography.  They are the study of human society and the interaction of people within society.  As such, the topics for research are vast and include both quantitative and qualitative methods of gathering data.  Quantitative research measures through observable and statistical data.  It is usually large-scale research. Qualitative research uses smaller-scale techniques such as interviews or focus groups. Additionally, researchers publish literature reviews that provide an overview of the current accepted knowledge on a specific topic and highlight any gaps in the research.

For this assignment, which will lead to the social science Literature Review in the next unit, you will select a research question within the realm of one of these social science topics:
intergenerational communicationthe topic i selected)

1. Narrow your focus. The purpose of the Annotated Bibliography is to compile, organize, and record sources that will go in your next paper, the Literature Review, so you will need to examine what academic sources have said about the topic. Those topics listed above are large, so think about a more narrow focus — a context in which to explore them, such as inclusive design in college classes or bilingualism and adolescent social groups. Narrowing your topic is necessary to manage the workload for researching and to meet the expectations of the Literature Review. If you want to vet your topic, do ask your writing coach before you spend too much time on something that may not work.

2. Using UF Library’s OneSearch, find 5 peer-reviewed academic sources of qualitative or quantitative research about your narrowed topic. They must be from within the past 5-10 years. Use the link to Library Research on the left toolbar.  If you don’t log in through the library’s VPN, you will not be able to access the journal articles. Be sure to look for articles that are full-text.

3. Compile your 5 sources into an APA-style bibliography (Links to an external site.) (titled “References,” sources in alphabetical order, sources written in proper APA form, etc.). For this assignment only, put the entire citation in bold.

4. Prepare annotations for each source according to the guidelines below. The annotated material will be inserted into the bibliography beneath the entry it belongs to. The annotation will include:

3-5 sentences summarizing the author’s claims, methodology, and interpretive implications. Identify if the article is qualitative or quantitative (or both). This section articulates an objective summary of the reading. It should only convey exactly what the author states in the article without including your opinions.  It should state the authors primary claim and, maybe sub-claims. What argument does the author want to assert?
list of terminology or key terms of the article. In this section you will choose key terms used in this article or words with which you are unfamiliar. You dont have to put the definitions in this document, but you should look up their definitions on your own.
reflection, where you relate the article to your investigative question as well as ask questions, pose argument, and reveal subjective biases. This section reveals your opinion about what the author has stated. Do you agree or disagree? What speculations do you want to make about this authors methods of research? What questions do you have? What dont you understand? What other information do you need to look up to better understand this article? This unconventional section puts forward your ideas. Use italics for this section.
1-3 relevant quotations that highlight the most important information from the research or that you feel the author expressed exceptionally well. Include page number(s) where you find the quote. Place quotation marks around the chosen phrase and make sure you cite the phrase verbatim.

I also attached a sample assignment for you.


annotated bibliography
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