- What demographic information did you find?
- What is the size of the population, and what are the languages spoken in the county? How are these languages grouped?
- What are the languages most widely spoken in the county?
- Compare the latest survey results (such as in the American Community Survey) with prior year surveys. How have things changed in terms of population size and language use?
- What other information is given in your sources (e.g. how people rate themselves on their use of English)
- Write a thoughtful paragraph reflecting upon what you have discovered (did the research meet your expectations? Were you surprised by what you found–why or why not? Was there something you were expecting to find and did not? How can knowing this information influence what you do as a member of your larger community to support heritage language maintenance?).
the data will be in table and reflecting paragraph https://data.census.gov/cedsci/table?q=b16001&g=0500000US06073&tid=ACSDT1Y2019.B16001&hidePreview=truehttps://cis.org/Report/673-Million-United-States-Spoke-Foreign-Language-Home-2018https://data.sandiegocounty.gov/Demographics/2017-San-Diego-County-Demographics-Language-Spoken/b7iq-x9dz/data