Every person must have a different organization and or a different virus
- Identify an organization, WHO, CDC, or any other organization that is seeking to control, eliminate or eradicate one virus mentioned in the chart in Journal #1week 1.(H1N1 2009) What progress has been made or is being made toward the organizations goal? In your response address testing, screening, disease control and containment.
- What form of communication was utilized by the organization to disseminate information to the public?
- How did the organization use ethical principles and values to promote client advocacy and collaborative activities?
In your answer address no less than two terms from below
- Autonomy
- Beneficence
- Nonmaleficence
- Justice
- Fidelity
- Veracity
- Confidentiality
- Privacy
Please support journal #3 with peer reviewed scholarly articles less than 5 years old and the course text (s).
Supplemental references can be added as additional resources from .gov. edu or .org websites.
Answer question below in 1 page