Guiding Philosophy Essay (10 points)
Now, on the cusp of your entry into the teaching profession, you have the opportunity to synthesize all that you have learned and articulate who you are as a teacher in a formal philosophy of education. For this assignment, you will write a Teaching Philosophy that describes your goals and beliefs about teaching and is a reflection of your beliefs, experiences and training. It may include the purpose of education as well as describe the environment and curriculum that support childrens learning. Your philosophy of education will guide your daily teaching activities, helping you focus on why you make the decisions you make when you plan for your lessons and implement these lessons.
Reflect on theories, research, and teaching practices that you have learned about in your courses and fieldwork. Your philosophy should capture your praxis (theory and practice) that you will enact every day as a transformative classroom teacher. Draw on concepts learned from your courses as well as your fieldwork. Given that the teaching philosophy is something you should be able to summarize in a cover letter or in a job interview, your personal voice should be evident and your ideas succinct.
Follow APA format and expectations for citing sources to complete your 400-600 word essay.
Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, Arial Font, 12-Point Font, Double Spaced.
Any topic (writer’s choice)