I think it’s important for the Supreme Court to have such a high level of discretion.  The Supreme Court recieves almost 10,000 petitions every year and usually grant writs of certioriari to 100 of those (US Supreme Court, 2015), since it’s pretty obvious that it would be impossible for the Court to hear each and every one. The Supreme Court’s level of discretion allows them to choose only the cases that involve some of the most important issues we’re facing and apply the Constitution to them.  I think this is exactly what the founding fathers intended: the ability to engage in discourse, to allow our country to grow and change by the will of it’s citizens, backed by the power of the Constitution.  The Supreme Court is especially important in those cases where an individual is suing the government – something that would be unheard of in the time of the founding fathers unless it ended in a public hanging.  Not everyone is going to agree with every decision the Supreme Court makes, and that’s okay. If we all agreed on everything there would be no reason for the Supreme Court to even exist in the first place. The founding fathers didn’t have everything right, but their spirit was in the right place, and I think that allowing the Supreme Court such discretion to effect change continues to represent that.

U.S. Supreme Court. (2015). SupremeCourt.gov

reply 150

I feel that there should be some level of discretion regarding the cases that the Supreme Court hears. I feel that our constitution comes under attack a great deal.Shoud the Supreme Court give them a writ of cert., then their case goes up for review by the Supreme Court. If the court denies the writ of cert., then the lower court decision stands. I feel that this may sometimes lead to discriminatory decisions. I’m not sure that all cases that are denied should be denied. I feel that cases that are high profile do get review. Same sex marriage, LGBTQ rights, gun control and any other civil liberties that one feels have been denied. I feel that the justices who sit on the Supreme Court do their best to make the right decisions and lead our country in the right direction. I feel this discretion is needed in order to protect our civil liberties and keep our Constitution strong.




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