Final Project: Media Assignment
General Instructions
Choose a topic that interests you thats related to any of the course topics in PSYC 001check the syllabus for the
list of course topics if you are not sure what you want to cover. Use at least two sources to help you make a point,
dispel a myth, or teach your audience something new and interesting about psychology. You are not allowed to
simply list facts about psychology for this project. Instead, you need to teach your audience about the content in a
way that demonstrates: a) your deep understanding of the concept(s) you are presenting, and b) your ability to use
sources to support your claims. Think about ways to creatively present the material in an effective and engaging way.
You must cite AT LEAST TWO SOURCES for this project. One source MUST be an empirical, peer-reviewed
article, and the other source can be any primary source cited in the textbook. You may NOT cite the lecture slides or
the textbook itselfif citing something from the textbook, you must go to the original source or find a peer-reviewed
article that discusses the topic. You may choose to cite more if you wish. All sources should be cited BOTH in the
body of the project (i.e., in-text or in-video citations) AND provided in formatted reference page that you submit
along with your project (APA or MLA are both acceptable).
Youre free to use whatever format you want, as long as it would be suitable for posting to a wide audience with little
expertise in psychological science. If you have any questions about the suitability of a format, please ask! Some
formats you could consider might be:
An infographic like you might see on Instagram
An informational Twitter thread
A song, podcast, or other audio presentation
An educational YouTube video or several TikTok videos (total video time must be at least 2 minutes long,
and no longer than 5 minutes)
A blog post (~250-500 words), including pictures that illustrate the topic
You do NOT need to upload the assignment to a website/app unless you want to (i.e., you do not need to upload to
TikTok/Instagram/Twitter/etc.). See Due Date section below for information about how to submit the assignment.
Any topic (writer’s choice)