Minimum of 750 words, no more than 1250 words
Use standard margins: 1 inch from the left, right, and bottom edges Do not justify right margins
Use double spacing
Utilize a graphic organizer of your choice
Follow the Army Writing Style and standard written English.
Use the five (5) paragraph format

    Introduction to Leader Competencies
Leads Develops Achieve
A common basis for thinking and learning about leadership and associated doctrine from FM 6- 22, Army Leadership
  Leadership Requirement Model
Core Leadership Competencies
    Leader Competencies Outline
Leads Develops Achieves
How to improve
Leadership competencies are groups of related actions that the Army expects leaders to do.

Leads others
Extends influence beyond the Chain of Command
Leads by example

Creates a positive environment Prepares self
Develops leaders

Get Results

    Improvement of Leader Competencies
Leader competencies improve over extended periods.
Leaders acquire the basic competencies at the direct leadership level.

Competencies provide a clear and consistent way of conveying expectations for Army leaders.
Leader competencies include 3 core competencies. Competencies improve overtime.


Army Leader Competencies
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