Articulate key insights and provide recommendations to the UNSW Business School CareerAccelerator team on what it needs to do to address the low Excel Certification completionproblem. YouhavebeenaskedbytheFixIt!ConsultingTeamleadertoaddressthreequestionsin the Final Report. You are required to use different problem-solving toolboxes to addressthese three questions.
1. FixIt!‘Ethicstoolbox’
Recall that the FixIt! Consulting Team is concerned with the problem of low ECT participationand the ethical issues it presents. Apply the 7-step ethical decision-making framework fromWeek 3toone ofthe following ethicaldilemmas:
- Making the Excel Certification Test (ECT) a 20% component of the course grade, sothemaximummarkstudentscanreceivewithoutcompletingtheECTis80%(i.e.thiswouldreplacethenon-invigilatedAssessments1aand1b).
- Providingadditionalfinancialincentives(e.g.financialincentiveslikea$50giftcard)forstudentswhopassthe ExcelCertificationTest (ECT).
Fortheethicaldilemmayouarewritingup,applythe7-stepethicsdecision-makingframework(week3)toformulateapositionontheethicalissueselected.Youshouldfollowall7steps intheethicaldecision-makingframework.
Your position on the ethical issue is step 7 in the framework; the other steps enable you toprovideevidenceforthatfocus.TheFixIt!ConsultingTeamLeaderwantsyoutobeexplicitabout the rigorous FixIt! Process, therefore, explicitly refer to each step in the ethicaldecision-making framework (e.g. put ‘Step 2’ to refer to the information you are drawing fromStep2about ‘assumptions andworldviews’).
2. FixIt!‘Informationtoolbox’
- The Project Team Leader wants to see how you structure your arguments. Provide asituation-observation-resolution story summary (see Week 10 Lecture), and choose theappropriatevisualrepresentation(i.e.eitheragroupingstructuregraphoranargumentstructure graph, see Week 10 Lecture) to present your argument structure (e.g. showhow you organise your arguments and the report storyline on what is the issue, what areyourfindings,andyourrecommendationsonhowtofixit).
Whenconstructingyourgroupingorargumentstructuregraph,youneedtoconsolidateall relevant evidence, including your logic tree analysis in the Briefing Pack (Assessment2aofthisCase),theliteratureidentifiedintheBriefingPack(Assessment2a),statisticalinformation from your analysis in the Briefing Pack (Assessment 2a) and this report (i.e.,Assessment 2b of this Case), and the ethical dilemma in this report (i.e., Assessment2b).
- Follow your argument structure, put forward your recommendations as to what theUNSW Business School Career Accelerator team should do to address the low ExcelCertificationcompletionproblem.Justifytherecommendation.Thenputforwardactionable next steps for the Career Accelerator team (e.g. what exactly the CareerAcceleratorteamneedsto do?)
- Ensure the recommendation and action steps utilise persuasive yet still factuallyaccurate communication. This includes ensuring appropriate presentation of results,andpersuasive language.
- Assumptions and limitations also need to be explicitly identified, including any issuesabout statistical & decision-making biases in your analysis (week 4 and 8-10); anyreliability and validity concerns (Week 10); and alerting the FixIt! Consulting TeamLeader of any ethical issues (Week 3) that may arise if your recommendations areadoptedbytheUNSWBusinessSchoolCareerAcceleratorteam.
Criteria |
% |
Fail | Pass | Credit | Distinction | HighDistinction |
1. Statisticalproblem-solving.
Applicationofthestatisticaltoolkit |
40% | Does not apply statisticalproblem-solving tools totheCase,orapplicationisinaccurate. | Appliesstatisticalproblem-solving tools to the Caseappropriately but mayinclude minor errors oromissions. | Accurately appliesstatisticalproblem-solvingtoolstotheCase. | Accurately and insightfullyapplies statistical problem-solvingtoolstotheCase. | Accuratelyandinsightfullyappliesstatistical problem-solving toolsto the Case highlighting novelinsights with extension materialfrom thecourse. |
Applicationofethicaldecision-makingrubric to the factualdetails of yourchosen dilemma,including quality ofanalysis with thosefacts. |
25% | Multiple errors or limitedarticulationofhowethicaldecision-makingrubricisapplied to the factualdetailsofthedilemma.
Poor analysis,missing/gapsinevidence. |
Some articulation/applicationofhowethicaldecision-makingrubricisapplied to the factualdetailsofthedilemma.
Some analysis andreflectionbutpatchyevidence. |
Accurate and cleararticulation of how theethicaldecision-makingrubric is applied to thefactual details of thedilemma.Clearanalysisand reflection, withsomeevidence. | Accurate andcomprehensivearticulationofhowtheethicaldecision-making rubric is applied tothe factual details of thedilemma. Consistent anddetailed analysis, deepreflection supported bysoundevidence. | Insightfulanddetailedapplicationof how the ethical decision-making rubric is applied to thefactualdetailsofthedilemma.
Insightfulanddetailedanalysisand reflection with extensiveevidence. |
3. Informationproblem-solving
Application of theinformation toolkitintowell-structuredarguments |
35% | Does not applyinformation problem-solving tools to the Case,or application isinaccurate.Unclearwritingstyle,whichdistractsfromarguments. | Applies informationproblem-solving tools tothe Case appropriately butmayincludeminorerrorsoromissions. Generally, clearwriting style so mainargumentsarticulated. | Accurately appliesinformation problem-solving tools to theCase. Generally,expresses complexideasintowell-reasonedarguments. | Accuratelyandinsightfullyapplies informationproblem-solving tools totheCase.Consistentlyandskillfully representscomplex ideas into well-reasonedarguments. | Accuratelyandinsightfullyappliesinformationproblem-solvingtoolsto the Case demonstratingbreadthanddepthofanalysis.
Consistently and eloquentlyrepresentscomplexideasintowell-reasonedarguments. |