Sally Gabriele
John Vs The wallpaper
Draft paper
The yellow wallpaper is a story about a woman that seems to be ill, her husband takes her to a summer house where he puts her in a room so she can “rest”’ and get better, however, the time she gets worst, she isolated herself from everyone and started to develop a relationship with the wallpaper. Throughout the story we see how the narrator is unreliable, she started very confident with her relationship with John and we see how this shifts as the story continues. This instability makes it very hard to differentiate what is real and what is not from the story.
We see how the fact that she is held in the room with the yellow wallpaper affected her relationship with others, it is a cause-effect situation where the Narrator’s feelings toward John change through time and we can see this in the way she expresses both, She describes John many times in the book as a genuinely loving husband who is just trying to take care of her and protect her, and yet we see how she keep contradicting herself regarding the perspective she has on the way her husband feels about her.
We can see at the beginning she felt very secure and confident about her husband feels and she hated the wallpaper, we see this in the way she referred to both though out the story: “Dear John! He loves me very dearly and hates to have me sick” and she quotes reflecting her current feeling about the wallpaper “ the baby is well and happy, does not have to occupy this nursery with the horrid wallpaper ” Within a little time, we see that the relationship changes when she said “The fact is im getting a little afraid of John” followed by “I have watched John when he did not know I was looking, and come into the room suddenly on the most innocent excuse, and I have caught him several times looking at the paper ” “im determined that nobody shall find out but myself”, here we see how now she is more distant to her husband and is becoming obsessed with the wallpaper. Later in the text we see how now she doesn’t even want John to be in the same room “And John is so Queer now, that I don’t want to irritate him. I wish he would take another room” and yet she doesn’t want to leave the room.
In conclusion, this is a cause effect situation were the more time she spends in that room the more she related to the wallpaper and the less she related to John, and at the end she ends up preferring th wallpaper than her own husband. That wallpaper became her comfort zone, the only place where she felt safe, the only place she felt she could be herself this affected her relationship with her husband and everyone else around her since the isolation just worsened her depression.