3 pages
Due 6hrs
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Q.1. Systematically explain the 3-Box model of memory – by Atkinson and Shiffrin.
The 3 – Box Model of Memory:
The 3- Box Model of Memory – Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin
* Sensory Memory – ‘Iconic” Memory, “Echoic” Memory.
* Short- term memory – George Miller’s “The Magical number 7, plus or minus 2. The Serial Position Effect.
* Long-term memory –a) Declarative – Semantic Memory and Episodic Memory. b) Procedural Memory.
Q.2. How would you explain the different Theories of Forgetting?
Forgetting :
1. The Decay Theories.
2. New memories for old – Elizabeth Loftus.
3. Interference Theories – Retroactive and Proactive Interference.
4. Motivated Forgetting – Sigmund Freud.
5. Cue-dependent Forgetting.