Module 1 Discussion Question: Answer the following questions honestly – this is safe space to reflect and learn about topics we cover! Some students like to type their discussion post first in a Word document to check grammar, spelling and word count. Then they copy and paste it into the textbox. If you do this, you will need to use ctrl v to paste it.
Initial post is due on Thursday, Replies are due on Sunday. To be successful on the board:
Module 1 Assignment: Due Monday.This first weeks assignment is an APA paper of 1000 words with a required 3 sources used throughout the paper cited and referenced correctly in APA. Rubric is for an APA Essay found in the Assignment Upload link in the lower right corner please review. This week we talk about Building the Profession of Nursing:
ANYTIME YOU COMPLETE A PAPER/ESSAY in this course you must follow the APA rules. Use these requirements to attain full credit regardless if they are all listed out in the directions within the course.
Assignment and discussion