Task 1.1: Case study Proposal (W1)
Assessment type: Discussion forum
Description: Develop the proposed title of the Case Study
Task 1.2: Case study – Draft 1 (W3) Assessment type: Discussion forum
Description: Develop the table of contents of the Case Study Proposal
Task 1.3: Case Study Analysis (W5)
Assessment type: Written assignment
Description: Develop the related literature review of the Case Study
Main task
Students will develop the related literature review of the Case Study. The purpose of a literature review in a case study
When you write a case study, you must conduct a literature review to situate your research within existing knowledge. The literature review gives you a chance to:
- Demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and its scholarly context
- Develop a theoretical framework and methodology for your research
- Position your case study in relation to other researchers and theorists
- Show how your research addresses a gap or contributes to a debate
- Evaluate the current state of research and demonstrate your knowledge of the scholarly
debates around your topic
Fulfill the following elements for your literature review of the case study:
Step 1 – Search for relevant literature. Step 2 – Evaluate and select sources
Step 3 – Identify themes, debates, and gaps Step 4 – Outline your literature review’s structure Step 5 – Write your literature review
Your submission must meet the following formatting requirements:
- Submit one file only.
- Required file format for main submission: PDF.
- Additional file format for additional deliverables: PDF.
- Additional file requirements: Type additional requirement info or “None”.
Other details: - Font size 12
- Double-spaced
- Number of words: 1000
All refencing and citations require Harvard referencing style.
Task 2.1: Case study – Draft 2 (W7) Assessment type: Discussion forum
Description: List related references using the Harvard Reference System as well the citations for the case study accordingly
Task 2.2: Case study (W9)
Assessment type: Written assignment
Description: Develop the final submission of the case study
Main task
Students will develop the final submission of the case study
The case studies generally follow a typical structure, which means that they have a beginning, middle and end. Consider it a “before and after” snapshot of a client’s business – with citations, references, and academic background theory, and research data.
Business case studies are often developed by the marketing team and delivered to the sales team and publish to the website or well-known blog platforms. Furthermore, sales department can use the case study to arrange a meeting with prospective clients.
Elements of a case study
• Executive Summary
o ProblemStatement
o Recommendation
o SupportingArgumentsandEvidence o Conclusion
• Introduction
o Introductorysentence
o Problemstatement
o Detailsabouttheproblem(sticktodetailsthatrelatetoyourrecommendation)
▪ Who is the most important decision-makers? Stakeholders? ▪ What are the most important issues?
- ▪ Why is this problem occurring? What are the root causes? Underlying factors?
- ▪ When does this decision need to be made by? What is the decision timeline? Due date?
o Outlineorroadmapoftheremainderofthereport
• Analysis
o Anexaminationoftheproblem
o Applycourseconceptsortheoriestotheproblemtoprovideinsightintocausesand
o Concludewithasummaryofwhatyouranalysishasrevealed
• Alternatives and Decision Criteria
o Presentingallviable,mutuallyexclusivesolutionstotheproblem.
o Outliningthecriteriathatwillbesystematicallyappliedtodeterminethebestsolution
to the problem
• Recommendations and Implementation Plan
o Detailedexplanationofwhatyourrecommendationentails.Whatisitthatwillbe done? What specific steps will be involved? What equipment or expertise will be needed?
o Explanationofyourimplementationplan,including:
- ▪ Who will be responsible for what part of the implementation plan?
- ▪ When will the different parts of the recommendation be implemented? Short-,
medium-, and long-term implementation plan? - ▪ What will the cost be of these required actions?
- ▪ What will the impact of this recommendation be on other parts of the
organization? - ▪ What could go wrong, and what contingency plans are in place?
• Conclusion
o Summary sentence that explains what we have learned from the report
o Oneortwoimpactfulandmemorablestatementstoconcludeyourreport(whatisthe
most important thing that the organization should take away from the report?) • References Citing Sources
Your submission must meet the following formatting requirements:
- Submit one file only.
- Required file format for main submission: PDF.
- Additional file format for additional deliverables: PDF.
- Additional file requirements: Type additional requirement info or “None”.
Other details: - Font size 12
- Double-spaced
- Number of words: 1000
All refencing and citations require Harvard referencing style.