- Explain the following concepts:
- Asexual – sexual reproduction.
- Mitosis Meiosis
- Diploid – Haploid
- Gametes
- Fertilization
- Zygote
- Syngamy
- Blastocyst
- Implantation
- Gastrulation
- Embryo – Fetus
- Explain fertilization process from cellular level to fetus
- After learning about fertilization process, and according to nature and objectively, and scientifically speaking, when does human life begin? Why?
- Read and summarize Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERD) PART FOUR Introduction.
the book https://www.usccb.org/about/doctrine/ethical-and-religious-directives/upload/ethical-religious-directives-catholic-health-service-sixth-edition-2016-06.pdf
Beginning of Life