Developing your Capstone Project Research Methodology on Gender in White Collar Crime
Before you begin go to :http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/methodology
Your methodology should contain the following parts or answer the following questions:
- What type of study are you proposing?
- What variables will you be measuring?
- What is your hypothesis?
- What types of data will you be using?
- What are the components of your study (research questions, Units of analysis)
Submit a document which outlines your proposed methodology. You can use the responses from the questions presented above as a template for how your document will be organized.
Capstone Project Data Collection
This assignment requires that you summarize how you will collect the data you will use for your project. There are several types of data available.
You will need to either describe how you will collect the archival data to used to complete your study or provide a survey instrument that you will disseminate.