Topic: The importance of a husband leaving his parents and cleaving to his wife.
Research Project (CO-1,2,4)
“Relationships” is a broad topic that includes a number of areas. This course may not address a relational
area you are hoping to discover more about. Therefore, for this assignment, select a topic related to
Future ministry. Topics must be selected and presented to the professor no later than week two for
approval. Once approved, begin conducting research on your topic. Include at least 10 sources and at least
two of each of the following: commentaries on relevant scripture, relevant books, social science research
articles (published within the last 10 years), and relevant encyclopedia articles as a part of your research.
The final paper should address your topic, what scripture says about your topic, and implications for
ministry. The final paper should follow the outline below and be 8-10 pages in length.
- Introduction to the Topic (½ page)
- What topic are you covering?
- Why is this topic an important topic to research?
- Why are you interested in this topic?
- Research Related to the Topic (2-3 pages)
- Social science findings
- Leading authors’ findings
- Relevant theories related to the topic
III. Integrating Scripture with the Topic (1-2 pages)
- What does scripture say about this topic?
- What can we learn from scripture concerning this topic?
- Implications for Ministry based on the Topic (1-2 pages)
- Based on your research findings what can we do in ministry to address this topic?
- What are some application ideas you found or have come up with?
- Conclusion (½ page
Follows APA formatting and meets university grammar/writing expectations
Maximum score10
Includes a clear, comprehensive bulleted summary for each source researched
Maximum score50
Includes bulleted notes on specific theories/ models applied to the topic selected.
Maximum score20
Includes bulleted research of scripture that relates to the topic researched
Maximum score40
Includes a reference page
Maximum score20
Includes at least 3 interviews that appear to have lasted 45-60 minutes
Maximum score60