Culturally Competent Care-Teaching Assignment
- Transcultural Nursing (What is it?) (defining)
- Cultural Competence (What is it?) (defining)
- American Culture VS. Other Cultures (This can be a comparison table or slide for each-just address each one) (defining)
- Health definition
- Disease causation (How is mental health viewed)
- Location of disorder (body/mind/spirit)
- Decisions about care
- Sick role
- Best treatments
- Pain
- Ethics
- Nonverbal communication
- Introduction of chosen culture to study (Example: Chinese)
- Application of Leninger’s Transcultural Nursing to standards of care for psychiatric/mental health nursing
- Application of Leninger’s Transcultural Nursing to the chosen culture for the study—Why is it important?
- Example of a clinical condition for this culture to discuss in your paper.
- Discuss treatment/nursing interventions for this clinical condition specific to American culture and how this differs from the needs or how the condition is treated by the specific culture.
- Conclusion
- References at least 2 (textbook and an additional article less than 5 years old)
Presentation-Voice over presentation to the PowerPoint
Due 5/4/23
Biology Culturally Competent Care-Teaching Assignment