CHOOSE 1 OF ANY OF THE 7 OPTIONS. It should be at least 250 words. This MUST be in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste from the Internet. You MAY use quotes from a source, but those quotes will NOT count towards your 250 word count requirement. Please do not plagiarize. If you use a quote, you MUST put quotation marks around it AND you MUST cite the source at the end of your post. It is NOT simply enough to put a source at the end. You should also include at least one reference in your post. Do NOT use Wikipedia or Yahoo! Answers as a source.
- Review the home page. Research the Internet about a problem that occurs with the cardiovascular system. For your first post, write a description about the disease/disorder you chose. What are some of the symptoms? Is it treatable/curable? If so, how? Is it genetic or caused by something environmental? Why did you choose this particular problem? Does it affect a particular group of individuals more than others? Etc? Do you have any personal experience with this problem? List at least one source other than the AHA’s website.
- Review the home page. Research the Internet about a problem that occurs with the respiratory system. For your first post, write a description about the disease/disorder you chose. What are some of the symptoms? Is it treatable/curable? If so, how? Is it genetic or caused by something environmental? Why did you choose this particular problem? Does it affect a particular group of individuals more than others? Etc? Do you have any personal experience with this problem? List at least one source other than the ALA’s website.
- Review this website. Research the Internet about a problem that occurs with the digestive system. For your first post, write a description about the disease/disorder you chose. What are some of the symptoms? Is it treatable/curable? If so, how? Is it genetic or caused by something environmental? Why did you choose this particular problem? Does it affect a particular group of individuals more than others? Etc? Do you have any personal experience with this problem? List at least one source from your research.
- Review this website. Research the Internet about a problem that occurs with the urinary system. For your first post, write a description about the disease/disorder you chose. What are some of the symptoms? Is it treatable/curable? If so, how? Is it genetic or caused by something environmental? Why did you choose this particular problem? Does it affect a particular group of individuals more than others? Etc? Do you have any personal experience with this problem? List at least one source from your research.
- Research the Internet about a problem that occurs with the nervous system . For your first post, write a description about the disease/disorder you chose. What are some of the symptoms? Is it treatable/curable? If so, how? Is it genetic or caused by something environmental? Why did you choose this particular problem? Does it affect a particular group of individuals more than others? Etc? Do you have any personal experience with this problem? List at least one source from your research.
- Research the Internet about a problem that occurs with one of the sensory systems. For your first post, write a description about the disease/disorder you chose. What are some of the symptoms? Is it treatable/curable? If so, how? Is it genetic or caused by something environmental? Why did you choose this particular problem? Does it affect a particular group of individuals more than others? Etc? Do you have any personal experience with this problem? List at least one source from your research.
- Research the Internet about a problem that occurs with the reproductive system . For your first post, write a description about the disease/disorder you chose. What are some of the symptoms? Is it treatable/curable? If so, how? Is it genetic or caused by something environmental? Why did you choose this particular problem? Does it affect a particular group of individuals more than others? Etc? Do you have any personal experience with this problem? List at least one source from your research.