Biotech Poster Assignment You will prepare a digital poster to discuss a topic in biotechnology. This poster will be uploaded to the Biotech Poster Discussion Board during Week 13. It is important that you adhere to the poster guidelines discussed below. Subject: You will have to choose your subject from a list of possible topics. I will allow no more than one poster on a particular topic per lab day. You must sign up for your topic. Research: You must thoroughly investigate your topic, which will require you to research journals from the library (digitally through the website) and information available on the internet (choose reputable websites). You must use at least FIVE resources, none of which can be a textbook, Wikipedia, Encarta (or similar computer encyclopedia) or an encyclopedia. Poster Format: Set your poster dimensions to 48 x 36 in PowerPoint. Alternatively, you can search for a pre-made poster template online (with the same dimensions). As a reminder, your poster should ONLY BE ONE SLIDE. Make your title as specific as possible and it should be centered in the middle of your poster Your name should go directly under your title. Include an abstract (see below) on the top left. Illustrate and explain your topic in a logical sequence All text must be in your own words Use the font Times New Roman size 24 for your paragraphs. Title and Subtitle Headings should be larger and in Bold. All spelling and grammar should be correct Abstract: A brief summary (one paragraph) of the topics covered in the poster. It is an abbreviated version of your poster. DO NOT write it as a guide or introduction. It should be no more than 150 words. Place it at the beginning of the poster and label it Abstract. Information: Your topic should be divided into logical sub-topics (4 6). Each subtopic should have its own textbox and a Bold-typed subtitle. Your information can include background material, but should include current information as well. Each section should include references indicating where the information was obtained. Everything should be written in your own words (!!!!!!!!!!!) in paragraph format. Please do not use quotations in science writing. Each topic should be discussed at a college-level of detail using vocabulary that can be understood by your peers. You will upload your poster (in PowerPoint Format) to the Plagiarism Checker on Canvas. Illustrations: Download or create your own original charts, graphs, pictures, etc. You should have at least 3 illustrations. Write your own explanatory figure captions for your each of your illustrations and place below each illustration. This is separate from your subtopics. The caption should fully explain what is pictured (even if you think it is obvious) and how it relates to your topic. You must include a reference for each of your illustrations (These references DO NOT need to be included in your Works Cited section).References: The source(s) of your information need(s) to be cited in every subtopic. It is permissible to cite the reference(s) at the bottom of each subtopic as opposed to within the text of your subtopic. Sources of illustrations need to be cited (or credited) as well in each caption. Format for citations is APA (author, year) meaning that you list in parentheses the last name of the author, a comma and then the year the article or book was published. More information can be found here: Example: Over 400 major earthquakes occurred on the seamount Loihi in 1989 (Smith, 1990). When citing an internet source, use the title of the webpage, not the entire URL and the date the web page was last updated. If no date is available, include the date you accessed the page. Example: 20,000 fish died in 1986 (, 4/19/09) Include a Works Cited section (see below) Use references from Internet sources, but choose sources that are reliable (not a blog or personal
Biotech Poster