Your book review should be based on one of the three texts:
- Karen Kossie-Chernyshev, ed., The Diary of Lillian B. Horace (2007)
- _____Recovering Five Generations Hence: The Life and Writing of Lillian Jones Horace (2013)
- _____Angie Brown: A Jim Crow Romance, with a foreword by Dr. Michon Benson (2017)
It should be 3-5 pages long. Please use the attached guide to guide you through the review. Be sure to spell- and grammar-check your work before submitting it. Please use the basic structure below:
- Title: Do not create a title. The title of a scholarly review simply contains the author’s/editor’s name, title of the article, publication information or URL. For example: A Review of Lillian Jones Horace, Angie Brown. ed. Kossie-Chernyshev, Karen. Outskirts Press, 2017
- First Paragraph: Identify the author’s/editor’s thesis, argument, controlling idea?
- Paragraphs 2-4: Summarize the major points the author/editor makes in the book.
- Next Paragraph: Discuss the author’s sources: books, articles, archival material, maps, etc. A well researched book should be based on a variety of sources.
- Last Paragraph: Do not tell whether you liked the book. Tell whether the author achieved his/her objective.
Book review . African American history