Part 1 – Microsoft Word
You belong to a neighborhood group that meets monthly for informational talks. You are in charge of the upcoming talk and your topic is recycling. You may live in an area that has a recycling bin that gets emptied on a weekly basis, but your informational talk will focus on recycling centers near you. You are tasked with reporting to your neighbors where to recycle hazardous waste, electronics, and appliances that will not fit in or are not appropriate for the bins. You will need to make a handout in a Word document for your neighbors to take with them.
Research what hazardous waste is and why it should be recycled properly. Do the same for electronics and appliances, noting your sources along the way.
- Using the Internet, find three recycling centers near your neighborhood. Among these three there should be options for recycling hazardous waste, electronics, and appliances; a single recycling center may not accept all three of these, but make sure between the three recycling centers that these needs are met. You will make note of what recyclables they accept, their locations, and their phone numbers for a table you will create. Keep track of the sources of this information for your reference page.
- Locate photos or images of each of the three types of recycling: hazardous waste, electronics, and appliances; making sure to note the sources of each photo or image.
- Using the information from your research, write an introductory paragraph, a one-paragraph summary for each of the three types of recycling, and a conclusion paragraph, for a total of five paragraphs. You will use these paragraphs in the document you create below.
Word Document
Use Word to create a helpful and professional-looking document for your neighborhood group.
- Create a new blank Word document. Do not use a template.
- Save the document with the filename Recycling_MEID.docx. Replace “MEID” with your actual MEID.
Document Editing
- Use the new document you created to complete the following:
- Choose a theme other than the Office default. Change the theme colors and the theme fonts from the Office default.
- Give your handout an appropriate title using WordArt and center the title at the top of the page.
- Create a border around the title and apply a fill color of your choice. Make sure you can still easily read the text.
- Give your handout a subtitle using your name. The subtitle should be centered under the title and have an appropriate style applied.
- Insert your five paragraphs (introduction, hazardous waste recycling, electronics recycling, appliance recycling, and conclusion) from your research. Be sure to insert APA-style in-text citations to credit the sources of your information and include entries in your References section at the end of your handout.
- Format your report using single line-spacing for your five paragraphs, and 1-inch left and right margins.
- Use the following features to make your report eye-catching:
- Insert a heading for each of the five paragraphs and apply an appropriate style to the headings.
- Insert a picture of each of the three types of recycling within the corresponding text of your handout. Resize each image to an appropriate size and apply text wrapping to ensure the picture remains with the corresponding paragraph. Make sure to add a caption to each image and include entries in your References section at the end of your handout.
- Apply a picture style to each image.
- Before your conclusion paragraph, insert a 4×4 table to give the details of the three recycling centers for your neighbors’ handy reference. Your first row should contain the column headings of the Name of the Recycling Center, Address, Phone Number, and What Recyclables they Accept. (Although you must list if they accept hazardous waste, electronics, and/or appliances, you may choose to list other items they also accept.) In the Accepted Recyclables column, bold the text that identifies hazardous waste, electronics, and appliances recyclables. Apply a Table Style other than the Office default.
- Your conclusion paragraph can be a summary of your information or a call-to-action for your neighbors to properly recycle.
- Insert a Watermark indicating that your handout is a Draft.
- Check spelling and grammar.
- Insert a three-column Footer with your name, MEID, and course/section number.
- You must cite the resources used for the content of your handout in proper APA style. Additional information concerning APA style can be found in the . Be sure that your handout includes the following items:
- In-text citations within the body of your handout to document the sources for all content and to connect each source to its corresponding reference.
- Captions under each photo or image.
- A References section in APA format on a separate page at the end of your handout.
Save and close the Recycling_MEID.docx document.
Part 2 – Microsoft PowerPoint
Your local library is hosting a technology night and they have asked you to create a brief overview of three different cellphones from three different cellular service providers. Your job is not to sway your audience, but to provide a small amount of information.
- Using the Internet, search the sites of three different cellular providers and/or manufacturers to find information on new cellphones. For each of the three cellphones you will need to find information on who manufactures the cellphone, what the model is, how much memory it has, what operating system it runs on, and what colors are available. You will also need to find out which cellular provider you will purchase it from and how much it will cost. You will select a different manufacturer and model at each cellular providers site, so you end up with three different models of cellphone and three different providers.
- Locate a photo or image of each cellphone, making sure to note the source.
PowerPoint Presentation
- Create a new blank PowerPoint presentation.
- Save the presentation with the filename CellphoneComparison_MEID.pptx. Replace “MEID” with your actual MEID.
Presentation Editing
- Apply an appropriate theme to the presentation other than the Office default.
- On the first slide, enter an appropriate title and use your name as the subtitle. Use an appropriate slide layout for the slide.
- Create three additional slides with appropriate slide layouts to highlight the information you collected during your research:
- For the titles of these slides, include the manufacturer and model of the cellphone (e.g., Samsung Tracfone).
- Information you provide in the bullets should include the cellular provider, price, memory, operating system, and colors available. Use a bullet style other than the default.
- Insert a picture or image of the cellphone. Resize each image to an appropriate size. Make sure to add a caption to each image and include entries in your References section on the last slide of your presentation.
- Insert a new slide with an appropriate slide layout and insert a table that includes all of the information from the three previous slides. Give this slide an appropriate title.
- Insert a new slide with an appropriate slide layout to add a list of References in APA style for each of the images and the sources of information from your research.
- Apply a transition between all slides. Use timings to advance the slides.
- Apply an entrance animation to the images on each slide. Select an appropriate timing “Start” option.
- In the Notes pane of each slide, identify the slide layout you used.
- In the Notes Master View:
- Add your name and MEID to the header of the presentation.
- Add your Course and Section Number to the footer of the presentation.
- Use the options in the Set Up Slide Show dialog box on the Slide Show tab so that the presentation runs continuously on the Library kiosk.
- You should have a total of six slides.
Save and close the CellphoneComparison_MEID.pptx presentation.
Submit Your Assignment
After completing both sections of the project, submit your Word and PowerPoint files following the instructions in the lesson.