Read “Case Study: eBay Evolves” in Chapter 11 (Page 752 of the 2017 edition and Page 766 of the 2019 edition).

*Note: there may be slight wording differences between these editions, but the assignment is unaffected.

Conduct independent research on eBay as a company, current challenges, and any other information that you believe would be pertinent to your ability to answer the case study questions.

Write a minimum of 2500 word single-spaced essay about eBay’s evolution over time.  In your essay, be sure to answer the four questions listed in the case study.  Your essay must be a PDF file.  No other file types will be accepted.

You may use either APA or MLA format, but you must properly cite any materials borrowed from others (paraphrased or quoted).  For APA, use in-text parenthetical citations and for MLA use footnotes.

You must use college-level grammar, ensure that the essays are well-organized, and you may NOT seek assistance/review by other students, friends, or family.  You may however utilize the .  All submissions will be checked for plagiarism and assigned a similarity score.  All past student submissions and many Internet sources are in the plagiarism database, so don’t attempt to utilize work from other students.  Even if you use only a portion of another student’s work, you will have violated University policies and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct.

Violations of the Academic Integrity policies stated in the syllabus will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct.  Beware that in addition to a failing grade on this assignment, you may be subjected to severe penalties by the Office of Student Conduct that may go on your permanent record.  

(RUBRIC is in the screenshoots)


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