Assignment Details:
1 page and a half length
Assignment Objectives
Employ ethical principles in the decision-making process.
Consider the following scenario:
You are shopping in the grocery store when you see a woman with a baby start stealing jars of baby food.
Using the ethical decision-making model that you have been introduced to this in this course, respond to the following questions:
- What are the circumstances (facts)?
- What actions do you have available (alternatives)?
- What have you decided to do? (choice)
- What do you expect the outcome to be?
Individual Project Rubric
The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. Its the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP.
ExpectationPoints PossiblePoints EarnedCommentsAssignment-Specific: Identify relevant facts and circumstances of the case.
Assignment-Specific: Summarize available alternatives.
Assignment-Specific: Identify the choice that was made.
Organization: Assignment presents information logically and is clearly relevant to discussion topic.
Professional Language: Assignment contains accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation with few or no errors.
Total Points
Total Points Earned