How is a global business strategy compiled? Include an examination of the importance of mission, vision, objectives, and values statements. From there, discuss a minimum of three tools used in the development of an effective global business strategy. Within this discussion, include insights on the role of leadership in this planning process.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Innovation has been called the holy grail of management. What does this phrase mean in the context of global business? How does a business build internal corporate entrepreneurship? How can a leader build a culture of innovation in a firm?
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Define competitive advantage, and discuss the concept from the perspective of global business. Often, businesses use benchmarking to track their performance as a way to assist improvement efforts. What are key performance indicators (KPIs), and how do KPIs apply in a benchmarking exercise?
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.