Select a company and learn about its history. This will prepare you for your Wk 2 Analysis.
Note: Some reports are more recent than others. It’s in your best interest to find a company with a recent (within 2 years) report.
Select 1 global company from “Business Source Complete: SWOT Analyses” located in the University Library to use for the next 5 weeks (this will sometimes be referred to as “your company”).
Create a chart or outline that conveys the following information:
- Name of company
- Industry
- Brief history of company
- At least 3 milestones from the company’s history
- 3 resources (in addition to Business Source Complete) where you can locate company information in future weeks. This may include company websites, current employees, journals, etc.
- Define 1 new unique business opportunity the company can do to increase their competitive advantage.
- Identify a function of management that is needed for this opportunity.
Business Management