give original forum with a minimum of 250 words and respond to both students separately with a minimum of 100 words each
First page Original forum with references
Swcond page Michael response with references
Third page Joshua response with references
Original Forum
For this week’s discussion, think about the best location for your e-portfolio. Do you want to use an existing social media platform, or create your own? Do you want to post a blog, or create a website? What period do you want your e-portfolio to be available for viewing? Will the public be able to access your site, or will access be restricted? Be constructive in content and tone. Highlight your thoughts in an action pla
Student Response
The best way to showcase my e-portfolio would be through my LinkedIn profile. I am not heavily engaged in social media, and I generally like to keep my online activity consolidated. I have briefly considered creating a blog or website in the past, and this will remain an option for me in the future. A key reason that I favor LinkedIn at this point is that I can build my profile incrementally and adjust it over time based on my developing interests.
As I am still learning how best to utilize LinkedIn, I would most likely start small with my e-portfolio. As far as duration is concerned, I would plan to post it under my profile indefinitely. However, I would limit access depending on my level of satisfaction with the product. Peer feedback will help me to understand how I can make my e-portfolio a more coherent, cohesive, and complete product. Once a sufficient level of feedback is received and adjustments are made, I may choose to make the product available to anyone with a LinkedIn profile.
A tentative action plan for making my e-portfolio publicly available would be as follows. First, I would integrate instructor/peer feedback into the artifacts and overall e-portfolio. Second, I would post the e-portfolio onto my LinkedIn account with access generally restricted. Third, I would seek out additional feedback from individuals with experience in the career fields in which I would like to apply the associated skillsets. After integrating this feedback, I would make the e-portfolio publicly accessible on LinkedIn. This would enable me to actively refer LinkedIn connections to my work and have it passively available to recruiters as well.
I know that sometimes products posted to social media can get tucked away out of sight and out of mind after the initial posting. What are some good ways to promote projects like e-portfolios on social media to keep them in the spotlight?
For the last 2-years I have been using LinkedIn as my e-Porfolio. I have had some interesting discussions with various people about why I use it to show my work but that is about as far as it has gone. I have not recognized any potential employer interested in my writings on LinkedIn. But the purpose of me posting on LinkedIn is to get my writing to post first if someone does a google search on me. I don’t want some random thing about me to pop up as the first thing.
As for the future of using LinkedIn or another platform so show my work, I doubt I will use anything at all. I feel the stuff I posted six months ago is no longer a representation of the quality of work I do or the development of my communication skills. If I do post on social media, I think the only thing I would have in mind is to make my writing pop first on a google search that way the searcher gets to find some of the best writing I can post publicly.
The further away I get from finishing my degree the more I think I will focus on creating a website as a portfolio of my work. The work on my website would be a place where I would sell the book I wrote along with other various articles of opinion and interest. I do want to work on a second book, but this time it will be a word search puzzle book.