HCM 491 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Submit your draft of Evidence (Section III). In this section, discuss at least five peer-reviewed journal articles supporting the healthcare need or opportunity
identified for this project and development of the initiative.
Steps for Development (Try to do at least one of these steps each day throughout the week to help you complete this milestone, which is due on Sunday of
Module Two):
Begin by creating your ECLIPSE statement: expectation, client group, location, impact, professionals involved, and service. This framework is useful for a
project related to health policy and management issues. Expectation encourages reflection on what information is needed for improvement, innovation,
or knowledge. Impact looks at what you would like to achieve, for example, team communication improvements.
Identify key search terms.
Identify search databases (Medline, PubMed, etc.).
Search and review articles that support your need or opportunity and initiative development.
Synthesize the information in these articles to support your project. Synthesis is about concisely summarizing and linking different sources in order to
review the literature on a topic, make recommendations, and connect your project idea to the research.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
III. Evidence: Provide the research evidence that shows that the identified need or opportunity is in fact a need, and any research you completed to
formulate the initiative.
Guidelines for Submission: One to two PowerPoint slides and any citations in APA format.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Proficient (0%) Value
ECLIPSE Statement Creates an ECLIPSE statement for the project plan Does not create an ECLIPSE statement for the project
Search Terms and Database Identifies search terms and databases for articles to
support ECLIPSE statement
Does not identify search terms and databases for
articles to support ECLIPSE statement
Evidence Provides articles that support the project’s need or
opportunity and initiative development
Does not provide articles that support the project’s
need or opportunity and initiative development
Synthesis Synthesizes sources in order to review the literature on
a topic, make recommendations, and connect the
project idea to the research
Does not synthesize sources in order to review the
literature on a topic, make recommendations, and
connect the project idea to the research
Articulation of Response Submission is mostly free of errors of organization and
grammar; errors are marginal and rarely interrupt the
Submission contains errors of organization and
grammar making the submission difficult to understand
Earned Total 100%