This Final Term Paper is an individual task that calls you to exercise your best writing, research
and analytical skills to address tourism impacts and develop sustainable, responsible (good)
tourism! You will examine and discuss a particular topic and case from JET (see three options
further below), aided by online library research, and recommend sustainable tourism principles
to guide good tourism development. You have already addressed a number of useful insights
from the first few JET chapters plus other materials (videos, notes, PowerPoints etc.) in Online
Discussion Assignment 1 and in your Tourism in the News posts. This final term paper will
continue to draw on Ch. 4, plus Ch. 5, 6, 7, as well as supplementary materials posted.
Do not rush! Take the time to read JET chapters 5, 6 and 7 as you progress on the term paper.
Ch. 5 addresses important sustainability issues while Ch. 6 takes up issues related to the
governance of tourism destinations, and the important principle of democracy and local
participation. Ch. 7 is a short chapter that summarizes the previous chapters and forwards future
considerations. Be sure to read Ch. 7 (it offers a good summary) and the cases within it.
The final term paper is worth 25% of your grade and should be approximately 4,000 words, plus
references, tables and figures. It is a comprehensive taskall insights gathered during your
readings and assignments over the course should be kept in mind and applied to support your
work as needed. Your paper will be graded for content as well as writing (see rubric below).
This final term paper must be undertaken individually. It is due by May 2, 11:59 PM (midnight).
Please use the link Final Term Paper on eCampus to submit your final paper. Grading will
commence after this deadline, so dont rush to submit itwork carefully and thoughtfully.
1) Your term project involves undertaking an in-depth study of one case in your textbook Justice and
Ethics in Tourism (JET) that you can pick from the bulleted list further below. It will also include
doing a destination overview where you will bring in new material from your own search of library
and other online sources. Here is the rationale and skill-building goals for this term project:
i) Recall the second half of Chapter 1 in JET (re-read it if needed) where the importance of
understanding the tourism as well as history and context (the current demographics,
economic, social and political structure, etc.) of the destination is crucial in order to be
able to identify and manage tourisms impacts. Hence, your term paper will include
providing a very good destination overview based on your own online search of the
tourism research existing on the destination as well as online search for non-academic
information from well-informed legitimate sources. You must include in this destination
overview section relevant material from three academic articles.
The destination will either be a specific place or a country within which the case is
located (see bulleted list below). The destination overview should include some clear
information (i) History (include here any colonization history, significant events like
wars, or environmental disasters from extreme weather, hurricanes, etc., dates of
independence (political), (ii) Current context (population demographics, economic facts
(major industries) and political structure (governance); (iii) Tourism overview (good
summary of tourism types, visitor numbers, international and domestic tourism, etc.); (iv)
Opportunities and challenges facing the destination (e.g., opportunity to diversify into a
new type of tourism; threats from increasing extreme weather events, climate change,
terrorism, social or political conflicts, etc.)
ii) Building on all the assignments in the course, this term project will help to refine skills to
undertake a deeper excavation, identify good principles to manage impacts and facilitate
good tourism. Searching for research articles in the online tourism databases in our
library is a crucial skill to complement overall online research skills.
You will go online to the TAMU library ( and search the online
tourism and hospitality database, or use Google Scholar link shown on the library home
page. Find three academic articles that will provide information to inform your
destination overview. Draw on them and cite them clearly in the destination overview
section. Also makes sure to include full references to them in the References section. Use
APA style to format your paper, citations and references.
2) Pick ONE of the following JET cases and related destination overview for your term paper:
Case 4.4 in JET Ch. 4 on Responsible Tourism Development in San Ramn, Nicaragau.
Your destination overview section will focus on Nicaragua and you will include
Volunteer Tourism as a sub-section of the tourism overview of the destination (since
your case focuses on volunteer tourism). You can also include information on coffee
tourism but you must address volunteer tourism. You will draw upon all the JET chapters
for good principles to address the issues and impacts identified in the case, including
principles of responsible tourism discussed in Ch. 4.
Case 5.6 in JET Ch. 5: Cultural Resilience, Heritage Conservation and Tourism: Alcatraz
Island, California. Your destination overview will focus on Alcatraz Island and you will
include a overview of Film induced tourism as a sub-section of the tourism overview of
the destination. You will draw upon all the JET chapters for good principles to address
the issues and impacts identified in the case, including principles of resilience (include
cultural resilience) discussed in Ch. 5.
Case 6.3 in JET Ch. 6: The Jaffa Port Redevelopment Process, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Israel. Your
destination overview will focus on Israel and You will include a general overview of
Community-based tourism as a sub-section of the tourism overview of the destination
(focus on resident participation, local control, collaborative planning). You will draw
upon all the JET chapters for good principles to address the issues and impacts identified
in the case, including principles of participatory planning, stakeholder and public
involvement, local control discussed in Ch. 6.
Structure and formatting of the final term paper
The paper should be well-formatted, with a title page, properly formatted table of contents (TOC),
and clearly labelled sections (use headings and sub-headings as needed). Use Word Style features to
create heading levels, paragraph style, quote style and the TOC. Use 12-point font, Times New
Roman font type (a common one used in professional papers), and 1 page margins. Either singlespace or double-space your paper, but make sure the paragraphs are clearly separated.
When the paper is formatted correctly using Word->Format->Style feature, you should be able to
create a TOC where the page numbers automatically get added and revised if you revise or shift
around material in your paper. See, for instance:
On creating new styles:
On creating a table of contents (TOC):
The Introduction section of your paper should include the purpose, and layout of the paper (the
various sections of your paper). This should be followed by a section on Destination Overview
(include information from your three academic references here).Then follow this with a detailed
analysis of the Case Study: (i) The context (summarize the case study setting, location, etc.); (ii) A
detailed identification of key issues and impacts; (iii) Analysis and discussion of the key issues and
impacts. Include here a good sub-section on how to manage the impacts you have identified, using
key principles from JET, sustainable tourism and other materials you have studied in this course.
Close the paper with a good section on Conclusions where you summarize the case, key impacts
and issues, insights and learnings, plus a section of References (a list of references for all academic
and other articles (news media, etc.), videos, etc. that you cited in the paper).
Provide exhibits and images (figures, photos, pictures) to help illustrate the case. All the images,
figures, tables, pictures, should be included within the body of the report and properly labelled with a
caption (e.g., Table 1: xxx, Table 2: yyy …), and they must be referred to in the text. Place each
table/figure immediately below the paragraph where you first cite that table/figure.
All in-text citation and the final references section must be formatted consistently using the APA
formatting style. See the Writing Tips posted on eCampus on APA formatting. Your JET
textbook is formatted in APA style, so you can check it to see how to cite references, quotes, etc.
Case 6.3 in JET Ch. 6: The Jaffa Port Redevelopment Process, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Israel.